A Look Back At Take The Points’ Division Bets

In the preseason, the four members of Take The Points each picked a Best Bet for each division in the NFL. One bet per division, could be any future bet–player totals, wins, awards, etc. There were some short odds and some long odds, a good mix. With the end of the regular season, it was time to look back and see how we did. The advantage of being the guy with the blog is I get to post them when I did well. If you clicked on this post, you probably already knew I did, or they may not have … Continue reading A Look Back At Take The Points’ Division Bets

Book Nook: City of Thieves, by David Benioff

David Benioff lives a charmed life, even if it is begrudgingly an earned one. The 25th Hour launched a couple of careers for him, both in novels and in Hollywood. He married Amanda Peet, constant screen sweetheart. Plus, there was that whole Game of Thrones tv show thing. With all of that, when I saw one of my Twitter follows was starting an online book club called A Book, A Beer, A Brotherhood and the first selection was a Benioff book (released in 2008), I decided to join my first book club, even if it is a virtual one. But … Continue reading Book Nook: City of Thieves, by David Benioff

Book Nook: Under The Bar, by Dave Tate

I first read Under The Bar about a decade or so ago. Maybe longer. I’ve had the pleasure of running into Dave on the powerlifting circuit a few times and have always been a fan. Under The Bar, released in 2005, is a short collection of “Twelve Lessons of Life From The World of Powerlifting”. I decided it was time to circle back around to it. Under The Bar is not over complicated. It is not groundbreaking research. What it is, is a nice refresher on the basics of life, as applied through the metaphor of powerlifting. Dave takes 12 … Continue reading Book Nook: Under The Bar, by Dave Tate